Bereavement of Self
Final Painting (As Book Cover)

Final Painting (As Book Cover)

Final Painting

Final Painting

(Updated Color Scheme)

(Updated Color Scheme)

(Previous Color Scheme)

(Previous Color Scheme)

Progress Images

Progress Images


Decided to do something a bit experimental. Usually, my pieces are almost all traditional or all digital, but I wondered what it would look like if it was more 50/50. This one started as a pencil sketch that I sealed and painted over with oil. I then took it the rest of the way digitally, but tried to keep the texture and nuance of the traditional media apparent.

I then mocked it up at a book cover, partially for fun, partially due to the developing narrative I have surrounding this piece and it's world.

As for the piece itself, it was born from a figure I once saw in a dream—A fallen spiritual being once set to rule over heights, but now cursed to lurk and hunt within cavernous depths. I watched as it rode a dark horse in deep, void-like caverns, pursuing those who were mislead there. I have long pondered that dream and wondered who the figure was. The title of the painting "Bereavement of Self" is in reference to the despair and grief that has become that being's new identity after falling from the Lord.