Master Study
Finished Painting

Finished Painting

Background added by first laying done a dark tone, then stippling lighter color on top with a large brush to emulate wall texture. Next pass started on the right leg of the bird.

Background added by first laying done a dark tone, then stippling lighter color on top with a large brush to emulate wall texture. Next pass started on the right leg of the bird.

Block in complete of the bird.

Block in complete of the bird.

Drafting out the piece and blocking in values.

Drafting out the piece and blocking in values.

Finished study comparison. Mine on left, original on right.

Finished study comparison. Mine on left, original on right.

I realized I never uploaded this oil study I did back in 2018. I wanted to learn from the Dutch Golden Era painter Jan Baptist Weenix, and landed on his 1651 piece, "Dead partridge hanging from a nail." This study taught me so much about paint layering, transparency and texture especially.

Oil on panel